331 people are declared insolvent or bankrupt

Credit Action releases January Debt Statistics, revealing a daily snapshot of UK personal finance.

Related topics:  Finance News
Millie Dyson
13th January 2012
Latest News
Credit Action provide a breakdown of statistics to their daily figures and exposes a ‘day in the life' of UK debt and personal finance as extremely busy and somewhat bleak.

Based on the latest available data, Credit Action estimates that every day in the UK:

- 331 people are declared insolvent or bankrupt; this is equivalent to 1 person every 60 seconds during each working day

- 1,779 Consumer County Court Judgements are issued; the average value of a CCJ in Q3 2011 was £2,816

- Citizens Advice Bureaux in England and Wales dealt with 8,652 new debt problems every working day during the year ending September 2011

- 101 properties are repossessed

- 88 new people became unemployed for over 12 months

- 1,764 people reported they had become redundant

- 193 mortgage possession claims are issued and 153 mortgage possession orders are made

- 26.3m plastic card purchase transactions were made every day in October 2011 with a total value of £1.243 billion

- 8.0m cash withdrawals are made with a total value of £531m

Michelle Highman, CEO of Credit Action, says:

"Our ‘day in the life' statistics show the sheer scale of the financial problems faced in the UK and illustrate the numerous ways in which we are all vulnerable to the economic downturn.

"However, there are ways to take control of your financial situation. There are many tools available to help with this, such as our Spendometer, which in 2011 helped over 40,000 people keep track of their money.

"If however you do find yourself in a situation where your debts are already out of control, make sure you seek free debt advice from services such as the CAB or the Consumer Credit Counselling Service."
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