LeadAffinity.com report continuing growth for Payday Loan Affiliates

LeadAffinity.com is pleased to report continuing growth for its Payday Loan Affiliates in terms of conversions and commissions paid in the month of May 2011.

Related topics:  Specialist Lending
Millie Dyson
15th June 2011
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LeadAffinity.com gives website owners an opportunity to offer their visitors access to multiple lenders in the UK Payday Loan market.

The number of Payday Loan Leads received by Lead Affinity has grown 40 times in the last 12 months, showing a strong demand for their service.

Chris Burgoyne of Lead Affinity commented:

“We like to pride ourselves on our level of service to our affiliates to ensure that everyone receives an exceptional level of service.

"Our Payday Loan Ping Tree has been built in house and has a unique method of processing leads that allows our affiliates to be rewarded as they should be. We can offer website owners many ways of sending us leads from their own application forms or we can provide our own forms or banners.

“The growth in the past 12 months has shown to us that we are providing a service that is very much in demand. With over 20 active lenders on our panel, full reporting and our promise that we won’t remarket our affiliate’s leads – we appear to have hit a niche and continue to expand.

“May 2011 was a record month for us, and our affiliates, and with some high profile strategic partners joining us this month we look certain to set a record month this month also.”
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