MT Finance secures £50m funding deal

MT Finance has completed new senior and mezzanine debt facilities to enhance its lending capabilities.

Related topics:  Specialist Lending
Rozi Jones
14th December 2018
Josh Joshua Elash MTF MT Finance
"This additional funding will enable us to continue to provide leading, competitive, and relevant products to our clients into 2019 and beyond."

MTF has raised up to £50m of senior funding from funds managed by Insight Investment alongside mezzanine funding from an unnamed UK fund manager.

Joshua Elash, co-founder, said: “MTF has assisted property professionals, business owners, and individuals with their finance requirements for the last 10 years. This additional funding will enable us to continue to provide leading, competitive, and relevant products to our clients into 2019 and beyond.”

Jeremy Deacon at Insight Investment, added: “Our Secured Finance strategy continues to seek compelling asset backed structures that provide our clients with attractive risk adjusted return while capturing the complexity/illiquidity premium on offer in the private ABS market.

"We have known Joshua and Tomer for the past few years and they have built an impressive bridging platform underpinned by good credit and service. We are pleased to support MTF on the next stage of their journey through the provision of scalable senior funding and look forward to a fruitful relationship over the next few years.”

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