Virgin cuts buy-to-let rates by up to 0.21%

Fee-saver products have seen the largest reductions.

Related topics:  Mortgages,  Buy-to-let
Rozi Jones | Editor, Barcadia Media Limited
22nd May 2024
Virgin Money

Virgin has announced rate reductions of up to 0.21% across its buy-to-let purchase and remortgage ranges.

Exclusive fixed rates with a 3% fee have reduced by up to 0.04%, now starting from 4.05%, while exclusive fixes with a 1% fee are down by up to 0.05%, starting from 4.67% and rates with a £2,195 fee have lowered by up to 0.10% and now start from 4.57%.

Standard buy-to-let fixed rates with a £995 fee have reduced by up to 0.19%, starting from 4.89%, and fee-saver rates have reduced by up to 0.21% and now start from 5.19%.

As part of the changes, buy-to-let product transfer rates have also reduced by up to 0.15%, starting from 4.51%.

Virgin has also made changes to its residential mortgage range. 65% and 75% LTV product transfer rates have reduced by 0.10% and now start from 4.43%.

Shared ownership rates have lowered by up to 0.10%, now starting from 4.59%, while Own New Rate Reducer products are down by up to 0.13% and now start from 1.09%.

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