Buckinghamshire BS rebrands first-time buyer solution to Deposit Lite

The Society has rebranded its Family Assist product.

Related topics:  Mortgages
Rozi Jones | Editor, Barcadia Media Limited
25th January 2024
paint new rebrand
"At the heart of Deposit Lite is our belief in the power of family support in achieving the dream of homeownership."
- Claire Askham, head of mortgage sales

Buckinghamshire Building Society has rebranded its Family Assist product as Deposit Lite, which it says better reflects the benefits of the mortgage solution.

Deposit Lite allows applicants to borrow up to 100% of the purchase price utilising equity in a parent's or grandparent's property and is available on loan terms of up to 40 years.

Claire Askham, head of mortgage sales at the Society, said: “Deposit Lite is specifically designed to ease the journey onto the property ladder for first-time buyers who need a helping hand. By securing a collateral charge on a family member's property, we're opening doors to homeownership that might otherwise remain closed.

“Deposit Lite stands as a testament to our commitment to innovation in response to the ever-evolving needs of the housing market. We recognise that the traditional routes to buying a home are not always viable for everyone. Therefore, we are continuously seeking to adapt and offer solutions that resonate with and support the aspirations of a diverse range of homebuyers.

“At the heart of Deposit Lite is our belief in the power of family support in achieving the dream of homeownership.

“This product reinforces our dedication to providing flexible and thoughtful mortgage solutions that keep pace with the changing dynamics of society and the economy."

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