The lender has increased the number of advisers that can access its network and club portal by over a thousand.

The lender has increased the number of advisers that can access its network and club portal by over a thousand.
The lender has increased LTVs and eased its experience criteria, opening up access for first-time landlords.
Omkar Hushing, head of buy-to-let and specialist lending underwriting at Market Financial Solutions, explores the areas of positivity in the current buy-to-let market and how advisers...
The uplift to £750,000 represents a 50% increase on previous offering.
Residential bridging loans now start from 0.75%.
Reeves has announced a raise in National Insurance Contribution rate for employers by 1.2%.
Optimum offers invoice finance solutions for UK SMEs.
In the past 10 years the long-term trend has been a surge in commercial lending compared to residential.
Tim will help deliver the Bank’s range of asset-based lending solutions to clients across the North of England.
Sion was previously a business development executive at Bibby Financial Services.
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