The Mortgage Lender joins full Primis panel

The Mortgage Lender has joined the full Primis panel, giving an additional 450 advisers access to its specialist buy-to-let mortgage products.

Related topics:  Mortgages
Rozi Jones
30th November 2020
Steve Griffiths TML
"We are looking forward to working closely with Primis advisers to help them and their clients benefit from our real life approach to buy-to-let rates and criteria."

Vikki Jefferies, proposition director at Primis said: “The buy-to-let market remains a key focus for us as we continue to support advisers and their landlord clients, particularly amid the current uncertainty.

“Providing our brokers with access to a wider range of products and criteria for property investors will better enable them to excel in this area of the market and strengthen their overall proposition. With the added support of today’s partnership, we look forward to seeing the results our advisers achieve for their landlord clients over the coming months.”

Steve Griffiths, sales director at The Mortgage Lender, added: “We are looking forward to working closely with Primis advisers to help them and their clients benefit from our real life approach to buy-to-let rates and criteria.

“It’s been a challenging year for everyone involved in the mortgage industry and adding new distribution partners of the calibre of Primis is exciting, particularly as we look to the future and our lending plans for 2021.”

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