Openwork adds The Mortgage Lender to lender panel

Openwork says its direct panel relationships now account for 96% of all mortgage lending in the UK.

Related topics:  Mortgages,  Specialist Lending
Rozi Jones | Editor, Barcadia Media Limited
2nd April 2024
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"With its head office in Glasgow, the addition of TML to our panel will be well received by our advisers in Scotland in particular."
- David Booth, mortgage proposition manager at The Openwork Partnership, said:

Openwork has added The Mortgage Lender (TML) to its lender panel.

TML provides mortgages to a customer base that is typically underserved by the high street including the self-employed, entrepreneurs, people with complex incomes or credit histories.

The range of mortgages available can help first-time buyers and remortgagors, offering both residential and buy-to-let mortgages across England, Scotland, and Wales.

Shawbrook Bank acquired TML in 2021, retaining the existing TML brand.

David Booth, mortgage proposition manager at The Openwork Partnership, said: “We are delighted that The Mortgage Lender is joining Openwork’s lender panel which now has an impressive array of providers to meet the diverse needs of the market, our direct panel relationships now account for 96% of all mortgage lending in the UK.

“As a fully owned subsidiary of Shawbrook Bank, The Mortgage Lender has the ambition and enthusiasm to become a leader in the specialist lending market. With its head office in Glasgow, the addition of TML to our panel will be well received by our advisers in Scotland in particular. We look forward to having TML on board.”

Sara Palmer, distribution director at The Mortgage Lender, added: “We are thrilled to partner with The Openwork Partnership, a Network with over 50 years’ experience and expertise helping customers with their financial needs. As customers circumstances become increasingly more complex, our appointment offers more real-life options to support The Openwork Partnership’s advisers and their clients.”

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