Google reviews outperforming written testimonials for mortgage brokers

New research shows the impact of Google reviews and written testimonials for mortgage brokers.

Related topics:  Finance News,  Lead generation
Rozi Jones | Editor, Barcadia Media Limited
19th July 2023
Google search tech
"This test reveals the importance of leveraging third-party review platforms."

How testimonials on broker websites are displayed could have a huge effect on lead generation, new research shows.

The Lead Engine recently examined the impact of Google reviews and written testimonials for mortgage brokers.

The test, involving a sample of 500 users, compared two web pages with identical content, with the sole difference being the presentation of client feedback.

One page featured a dynamic widget showcasing the mortgage broker's total number of Google reviews, including the text from the three most recent reviews.

The other page displayed five written testimonials in plain text format. The study defined a lead as an individual who completed a web form with their name, phone number, email, and a message, as well as inbound answered telephone calls.

The web page incorporating the Google reviews widget outperformed its counterpart, generating 48 leads from 250 users. The page relying on written testimonials generated 8 leads from the same number of visitors in the same period.

Alex Curtis, founder of The Lead Engine, commented: “This test reveals the importance of leveraging third-party review platforms. By integrating a Google reviews widget into their websites, mortgage brokers can provide potential clients with real-time information regarding their reputation and service quality. The transparency and social proof offered by Google reviews increase trust and confidence among visitors, resulting in a considerably higher number of leads.”

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