Half of first-time buyers putting homebuying plans on hold

55% are currently seeking to raise a larger deposit than initially intended due to recent changes in the property market.

Related topics:  Mortgages,  First-time buyer
Rozi Jones | Editor, Barcadia Media Limited
23rd January 2024
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"Homeownership is increasingly expensive, and first-time buyers are having to raise larger deposits and lower their budgets accordingly."
- Jon Cooper, head of mortgages at Aldermore

As homebuying costs have soared, half of all aspiring first-time buyers are currently seeking to raise a larger deposit than they initially intended, according to new research from Aldermore.

On average, prospective buyers in the UK are planning to raise £47,067 for a deposit.

In addition to raising a larger deposit, nearly half (49%) are planning to buy a house of lower value than they initially thought, as higher interest rates have increased average monthly repayments, making home ownership less affordable. On average, prospective buyers would at most consider spending 30% of their monthly income after tax on their mortgage.

However, in light of rising home purchasing costs, half of prospective buyers (50%) are opting to put their homebuying plans on hold in the hope property prices drop further.

Regionally, the most expensive cities for first-time buyers to raise a deposit are London and Oxford, with buyers having to put forward £145,272 and £132,101 respectively. Meanwhile the cheapest city to raise a deposit is Sunderland (£21,117), marking a stark different from the Capital, where buyers are putting down six times more for their deposit.

For the same price as an average deposit in London, buyers in Sunderland could purchase a property outright4 (average first time buyer selling price: £125,586) decorate and furnish it (national average: £14,410) and have £5,276 left over.

Jon Cooper, head of mortgages at Aldermore, said: “The property market has been a difficult environment to navigate following the considerable volatility we saw in late 2022. Homeownership is increasingly expensive, and first-time buyers are having to raise larger deposits and lower their budgets accordingly. While this may be disheartening, first-time buyers can still find their way onto the property ladder.

“It’s important now more so than ever, that prospective buyers speak to a broker. No matter where they are in their homebuying journey – whether they’re still saving for a deposit or ready to begin their property search – a broker will be able to guide them through the process, identify what they can realistically afford, and how much the whole homebuying process will cost. This will help give first-time buyers a clear and actionable path to homeownership amid these uncertain conditions.”

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