HSBC is also introducing a new high value mortgage range from £2 million.

HSBC is also introducing a new high value mortgage range from £2 million.
The Society has introduced lower rates and smaller deposits for first-time buyers, withenhanced criteria and 40-year terms available.
851 potential homebuyers were fined over £5,000.
Research estimates the average salary needed to buy a house in the UK is over £59,000.
Richard Harrison, head of mortgages at Atom Bank, explains why lenders need to rethink their criteria to ensure it is sufficiently flexible and supportive for those planning their...
The Society is giving an affordability boost to first-time buyers and landlords.
The lender has also launched more sub-4% rates.
In five out of 12 British regions, there isn’t a single local authority where an individual home buyer would secure a mortgage.
1 in 10 found the process too daunting to apply or didn’t know enough about it.
The Rate Reducer mortgage gives the cashback often given to buyers by new-build developers back into the mortgage, lowering the interest rate.
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