The second charge lender is transitioning from its launch phase into a period of growth and long-term strategic planning.

The second charge lender is transitioning from its launch phase into a period of growth and long-term strategic planning.
RAW Capital Partners has also refreshed its wider range of products.
As part of the restructuring of the BDM team, TAB has introduced new roles to enhance regional coverage.
RAW offers mortgages to foreign nationals and non-UK residents who require finance on completed or near-completed residential property in the UK.
Rob Oliver, director of distribution at Dudley Building Society, explains why building societies might prove vital to advisers who have clients with complex lending needs.
Aiman has held previous roles at Blue Square Capital, KSEYE, and Tide.
The new roles include a chief sales officer, regional sales managers and business development executives.
The acquisition represented Allica’s first entry into the bridging market.
Gemma has a career spanning over 20 years in financial services.
The new range can be used both in conjunction with Roma’s bridging and development lending and as a standalone buy-to-let solution.
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