The new range caters to buy-to-let and holiday let customers across England, Scotland, and Wales.

The new range caters to buy-to-let and holiday let customers across England, Scotland, and Wales.
Landlord borrowers can choose between lower rates or lower fees.
The change allows landlords to apply for a buy-to-let remortgage from the first day post-purchase of the property.
The lender has cut rates on its two-year product transfer range for existing customers.
The new criteria enhancements cover residential and buy-to-let applications.
The lender has launched new holiday let and residential remortgage products.
Top slicing allows landlords to use personal disposable income to bridge any rental income shortfalls.
The lender's buy-to-let affordability rates are reducing from today.
The products have been reduced by 15 basis points.
The webinar will focus on proposals that all private and social rented homes should hold a minimum EPC rating of C by 2030.
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